How To Hack Whatsapp Using Terminal. Hack Whatsapp Using Terminal Window And Command Line.

<data:blog.title/> <data:blog.pageName/> Hacking WhatsApp account has never been this easier, now you can hack anyones WhatsApp account by using a terminal and some commands.

NOTE: Hacking is crime and This tutorial is for educational purpose only. I am not responsible for any illegal action.


  1. Windows Laptop Or Computer.
  2. A Working Internet Connection.
  3. Whatsapp Terminal Window. (Download It From Here)
  4. Victim whatsapp number.

Let's Start. Follow The Steps.

  • DOWNLOAD  and run the setup.
  • Type "chk con" and press enter.
  • After 'connection ok' message type "get -ip -n <mobile number>" and press enter.
  • now you have IP address of your victim. Now type "connect -s -u -n <mobile number> -i <IP address> -deb".
  • "connected" it means you all set. now you successfully enter on your victim's whatsapp account. 
  • Now type "stream". And thats it. follow your terminal's steps. you Hacked Your Victim Whatsapp Account. Enjoy!
"If you are facing any problem then leave a message or see the screen shot." Thanks!

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